Makai Yoga Collective

🙏🏻 Meditation Immersion
with Kate Gee

February 27 (Sunday)
at 3:15 pm

Class length
120 minutes


Sound bathing and Self compassion practices.
With Kate Gee from Beach Buddha Meditation in Ocean Grove.

Everything in our Universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies including us. Sound is a powerful tool that has been used for thousands of years to realign the body's vibrations, improve mental health and emotional wellbeing. The Sound bathing will help restore, relax and rejuvenate you after a busy Xmas and holiday season.

I have coupled this with some gorgeous self compassion practices. The research shows the importance of compassion for self as well as others. It activates our physiological systems designed for soothing and safety. In these times we need to relearn the essential skill of being genuinely nurturing and supportive to ourselves. This increases happiness, optimism and curiosity of life whilst diminishing anxiety, depression and stress.

You will learn some easy simple practices to take home with you on this journey.


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