Makai Yoga Collective

'Mindfulness & Relaxation' Meditation Immersion
with Guest Teacher

June 20 (Sunday)
at 3:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Beach Buddha Meditation together with Makai Yoga Collective bring you:  'Mindfulness & Relaxation' Meditation Immersion

Sunday June 20th 3.30 to 5.30 at Makai Yoga Collective
Cost $45.00

Join Kate from Beach Buddha Meditation in this wonderful immersion focused on creating a space for you to release stress and develop simple strategies for well being.

We will begin with a few simple, proven mindfulness techniques that will support you to stay in the moment and reduce stress and anxiety, so vital for your health and wellbeing in these challenging times. This will include both information and practice to incorporate these skills in your life.

This will be followed by a deeply restorative Relaxation meditation. This meditation technique allows the relaxation response to activate to allow a deeper and connected release. This can relieve deep tension and stress in the physical body, whilst also soothing the emotional body.
The Relaxation Response helps us to return to the body’s baseline state of equilibrium and our innate ability to be still in mind and body.

Followed by chai and chat ~ you are also invited to say on for Yin Yoga with Bec at 6pm at no extra cost: what a divine retreat!


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