Makai Yoga Collective

Gong Nidra
with Sherridan

March 22 (Friday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Class location

Gong Nidra is the unique combination of the Gong and the guided process of Yoga Nidra; together these offer a powerful form of healing and transformation. 

Gong Nidra:

  • Triggers deep relaxation;
  • Heightens awareness, insight and self-reflection;
  • Releases stuck energy patterns; and
  • Integrates changes

Gong Nidra can purify the deep impressions of the karmic forces, samskaras, that   influence and drive our behaviours. It gives us much deeper access to our mind than what we’re able to experience with regular processing and consciousness.

Gong Nidra works with the five Yogic Kosas, also referred to as sheaths or layers of existence: 

  • Anamaya kosa - physical body 
  • Pranayama kosa - energetic body (breath/chakras/nadis/life energy)
  • Manamaya kosa - emotional body (feelings/sensations)
  • Vijnanamaya kosa - knowledge body (wisdom/truths) 
  • Anandamaya kosa - bliss body (ecstasy/union/transcendence)


In a Gong Nidra session, through guided practices, you’re invited to bring awareness and relaxation to all five Yogic Kosas, supported by the otherworldly sounds of the Gong. Once we work our way through all five Yogic Kosas you’re then welcome to   release and surrender to the sounds of the Gong through a deep Gong immersion   experience. You are then offered time and space for processing and integration and are encouraged to bring a journal along to support you in this.

Please note: If you experience sound induced trauma or sound induced epilepsy, please contact Sherridan at [email protected]


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