Makai Yoga Collective

πŸ™πŸ» Meditation Immersion ~ Sacred Women's Circle Cultivating Joy
with Kate Gee

August 28 (Sunday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes


Join me this month for a divine women's circle focused on experiencing and cultivating joy.  

What fills you? What seeds can you plant to cultivate more joy into each moment of life?
In this sacred women's circle, immerse in some mindful techniques, practices and meditations to awaken the abundant joy within. Allowing you to anchor into Joy every day to create a more peaceful and connected lifeπŸ’›

Meditation is an opportunity to move inwards away from the business and complications of the physical world. An opportunity to dive inwards to peace and restore your balance. To gain a wider perspective of your own inner world, emotions, thoughts, body wisdom and find a safe harbour to rest and destress in when the outside world is challenging.  Each month experienced Kate Gee from Beach Buddha Meditation will guide you through a 2 hour immersive into the world of meditation, guiding you through a variety of practices including: compassion, relaxation, insight, sound meditations, moving meditations, connection to joy and inner child, forgiveness, power animals, connecting to your guides, symbols and the Chakras.

Our Meditation Immersions are offered once a month, each with a different focus.


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